Spliethoff Group's Sustainability reports

Spliethoff Group's Sustainability reports

Sustainable and efficient transport has been high on the agenda of the Spliethoff Group for many years. We embrace sustainability, and certainly it is becoming an increasingly important part of discussions, publicly, politically and with our customers.

We believe that a sustainable value chain can only be achieved by collaboration between all stakeholders. By publishing regular Sustainability Reports we would like to share our experiences, views and goals. We want to show you the steps we are taking to reduce our environmental impact and also aim to stimulate discussion and collaboration with our stakeholders.

We have set up our new Sustainability Agenda, which includes our guidelines and plans to reduce the CO2 emissions with 70 % by 2050.

Spliethoff Group's Sustainability report 2022 (2nd edition). Please click link:
Spliethoff Group's Sustainability report 2022_edition 2

Spliethoff Group's Sustainability report 2021 (1st edition). Please click link:
