Info and Office hours
Info and Office hours
Transfennica Belgium B.V.B.A.
Haven 1213, Land van Waaslaan 5
BE-9130 Kallo
Tel: +32 3 570 9292
Personal emails:
VAT Transfennica Belgium BE0458921549
Office hours:
Mon-Fri | 09.00-16.00 hrs |
Sat | 08.30-11.00 hrs |
In urgent matters, please contact following persons:
Operational: | Annick de Wreede | Mobile: | +32 475 871 166 |
Commercial: | Mario Vanlancker | Mobile: | +32 478 436 913 |
Financial: | Werner Cleiren | Mobile: | +32 476 324 168 |
Closing times for cargo are mentioned on the booking confirmation and vary depending on the kind of cargo.