Please click link for Bunker Fuel Surcharge specifications:
Bunker Fuel Surcharge specifications effective from 1.1.2015
Please click link for information on EU Emissions Trading System (ETS):
EU Emissions Trading System (ETS)

Bunker fuel surcharge in March 2023

by Maj-Len Ehrnrooth | Feb 15, 2023
The fluctuations in the crude oil market have remained unchanged in the price of bunker oil used by our vessels.
According to our Bunker clause, the Bunker Fuel Surcharge for February 2023 is 14,2 % and will remain unchanged i.e. at 14,2 % with effect from 1 March 2023.
The Surcharge is based on the reference bunker price during the 28 days observation period prior to this notice (18.1.-14.2.2023).

This Bunker Fuel Surcharge shall be applicable for the entire March 2023.

In case you require further information, don’t hesitate to contact us.